I had another follow up MRI on January 3rd. This is what I get dressed in before my scans. Thankfully this scan was like my others and I'm still considered stable. The tumor is not growing. I begin my second to last round of chemo next Tuesday, February 5th. Hallelujah. I cannot wait for this maintenance chemo to be over. I'm sick of being knocked down, tired, itchy, no appetite, on loads of prescriptions and frustrated. I pray that I will feel different when it's all over, and that the tumor will stay away. Now that a new year has begun, insurance plan has started over too. EOB's are slowly coming in with amounts I'll owe when I'm billed by the doctor until I reach my deductibles again.

My 1 year cancerversary was on January 8th. We celebrated by going to dinner at Ruth's Chris steakhouse in Park City. The Ashursts had a gift card and came with us.

We've both grown some hair in a year. Cody's on his chin and mine on my head, where hair belongs.
My brothers son, Parker, turned 8 in December and he was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints on January 5th. It was special to be there and get Tucker excited for his baptism this fall.
Here's to 50 or 60 more stable years!
We are so glad you are stable and have last year behind you! We continue to pray for you everyday at our house.
I really hope things stay stable for you. And I still can't get over how fast your hair grows!
we are soooooooo happy for you lisa!!! the lord loves and knows you! he definitely answers prayers.
Glad to hear the scans turned out so well!
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