Every year after Christmas my Dad and his siblings get to pick a couple days to spend at their family cabin. When I was little, we'd all go up together, but now that our families are married and growing, there isn't enough room and we separate off into the Ken Foster family, etc. Unfortunately Cody and my brother in law Dan, had to work while we had the cabin (no pto for the self employed). I drove the kids up Friday morning. The road to the cabin typically gets grated for cars to easily access their cabins. The road hadn't been plowed, but my car is all wheel drive so I drove in anyway. I made it in fine, but my Grandpa went to move my car later and got stuck deep in the snowbank. My uncle and Grandpa broke a tow strap and finally used chains to get my Traverse out of the snow.

We sat by the fire and warmed our toes, watched movies, played games and hungout with these cute little ones. This is Austin, my sisters baby. He is so fat and cute. I love to pinch his squishy cheeks.
We snowmobiled a lot in the deep fresh powder. This is Cole all ready to go.
The cousins did some sledding up and down the hill.
My Mom made all the grandkids, except the 2 smallest, pajamas for Christmas. We added the babies in for a photo at the end. Trying to get 11 kids to hold still on the stairs is no simple feat.
I love my little Blake. Isn't that grin contagious. We were only able to spend 24 hours at the cabin, but made memories and had fun. Our family should definitely utilize the cabin more for how close we are to it. It's in Oakley, about 30 minutes away.
It was fun hanging out together at the cabin! Blake does have a sweet smile!
What a fun place to build memories & tradiations!
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