Thursday, August 7, 2008

Not Camera Shy

Did you watch the video yet? Watch it first, then scroll down. (Sorry the quality is so bad, I really don't know what the problem is.)

It's true! Mommy is having another baby! Tucker thinks it's a girl, although I don't really know if it is yet. I have a feeling that it is, but won't know for sure until mid-September. I'm 14.5 weeks along and doing pretty well. I had more night sickness than anything this pregnancy, so after the kids were/are in bed I usually watch TV until I fall asleep. I'm finally starting to sleep through the night without having to get up and go to the bathroom though. That makes me feel great!

I'm due February 1st and will most likely be induced the week before that. Aubrey has no clue as to what's going on, Tucker kind of knows and Cody and I are both excited. I am glad that I've got 6 more months to go. It will give Aubrey some time to grow up and hopefully not be so dramatic! I'm glad the two will be 22 months apart and not 18. I can't imagine having a baby in 2 months!

I just started to pop out, so after we get back from vacation in a couple weeks I'll post some pictures. Oh and I LOVE the fact that the clothing styles these days can cover pregnancy bellies. I've bought a few really cute shirts from Target, Gap, etc that are not maternity at all, but totally work for me! Hurray! (Although, if I wasn't pregnant and in that stage where people wondered if I was, I most likely wouldn't be wearing them. : )


Susan said...

Hooray!! That's so exciting!! I'm glad to hear you are getting over the sickness part of the pregnancy. With Emma, the morning sickness went away at 12 weeks, but with Becca it lingered till 15 weeks. But at least it went away! I look forward to belly pictures. ;)

Lettie B. said...

Hey, congratulations!

Anonymous said...

wow congratulations! how exciting is that? you guys have such beautiful kids. I'm still getting use to one, it's hard to think you can love another person as much as you love your first. I hear it just gets better! I really enjoyed beinf 'big' pregnant in the winter. good luck.

Tristina said...

Congratulations!! How exciting!

Kristen said...

Congrats! That's great. Looking for a triple stroller now...just kidding.

Deon said...

Congratulations! Awesome news!

Lindsay said...

Congrats! That is so exciting!

Dayna said...

Three kids! are you crazy!!??!! Just kidding, that is what I tell myself somedays though. I am so excited for you. Taj stayed at grandmas for a couple days and it was sooooo easy to have only one kid. Duncan really missed having someone to play with. Anyway...wat are you hoping for? boy or girl?

Maquel said...

Yay! Congratulations! I'm so glad that you didn't have a difficult time getting pregnant again (or so it seems :)). That is so awesome!

Nate and Lori said...

Thats great! And what a fun way to announce. Can't wait to see the little tummy.

AJ said...

Congrats. You guys like to space 'em close.

ang said...


Amber said...

Yeah! Congrats! I am so excited for you guys! You are such fun parents, it is a lucky little one to be coming to your house. Glad that you are feeling better. Talk to you soon.

Justin & Erin Linton Family said...

I have been waiting for this announcement!! Thanks Tucker for telling everyone. You have the best pregnancies! Way to go.

Carter Family said...

Tucker is awesome saying hi to himself...and CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is pretty freaking awesome. I think it is awesome that they are close together. I don't get it when people space their kids like 6 years apart. How lame is that for the kids. You guys have it figured out.

Karen, Mackay, Easton & Kallie said...

yea! and BTW, hollister has great shirts sometimes too for clothes...i had two shirts from there that i wore the entire time! =) Guess what? I got flashed on the freeway today and the person needs a tan way bad!!

Jessica D. said...

Congratulations! It's a baby boom! Glad you are feeling better, I cant wait until I do!

Carter Family said...

I know I already told you on the phone, but congrats again! And what a funny Tucker! I'm sure he's the most entertainment he has for himself, right? Just give the kid a mirror. Anyway, I'm glad that you're feeling better. It'll go so fast watching two kids grow up while you try to prepare for a baby.


Anonymous said...

Hurray hurray! Congrats!

Starley Family said...

Congratulations you guys! Tucker is really cute in the video! I thought 22 months was great spacing too.

Christine said...

Congrats you guys!

The Gibson's said...

oh Lisa that is awesome! Congrats! if mike had it his way we'd be having another baby but I am so not ready. I keep telling everyone around me to have babies so that I can hold them. 'i am so happy for you

Jordan & Cassie said...

Wow!! That is great Congrats! Colby keeps asking me when Tucker and Aubry can come play? We are back in Colorado--when are you guys going on vacation?

Congrats Again!

Aaron and Melissa said...

Congrats! After some past conversations, I figured you would soon have another. :) I am glad you aren't too sick. Keep us updated. SO exciting!!

Burnhams said...

that is so exciting!!! Congratulations! And, January is such a great time to have a baby. I loved that Parker was born then. Can't wait to hear what it is!!!

Linds Forrest said...

Congratulations Lis!! You are going to be one awesome Mom to #3!!

Jenks Family said...

congrats lisa
i'm so excited for you, what are you hoping for? it seems like all our friends are having another one right now. i'm just glad it's not me.

lucy said...

Number 3. You are a brave woman!! Congrats and don't be running any races any time soon. Take care.

Nicole said...

oh my gosh your kids are so cute!! Fun to see we're due the same time!! Wish you were here, I could tell you what you're having! I found out last week and verified today. Congrats on the beautiful family!!

Anonymous said...

Syddie watched this one 3 times. She misses Tucker. Jeremy

Shane and Lauren said...

Congrats you guys! Wow, parents of three! How awesome! After having just one of my own, 3 starts to sound like a relatively "big" family.

Unknown said...

Tucker reminds me so much of Preston at that age...especially last night while we were tearing down the equipment...he grabbed the microphone stand and starting sounded exactly like Preston at his age...I had to take a double look to make sure I just didn't travel back in time...LOL