Because of our trip to Arizona, Tucker missed the first 2 days of 1st grade and back to school night. That made me a wreck as a parent because I've never done the school system before. I went over to the school with Tucker Monday morning early and we met his teacher and found out where his classroom was. While waiting for the bell to ring he found his best friends. Lucky for us they are all in the neighborhood. Every day they ride their bikes or scooters the couple blocks to school. I love it!

Cole is in the 3 year old preschool this year at Sunshine Circle. This is about all I got for a picture. He's in the not cooperating stage of life. Last week I was told he had a biting problem at school. Someone had the toy he wanted, and he went after it. Oh boy, it sure is nice having a mini break for a couple mornings a week. : )
My little sweetheart. Isn't she beautiful! She looks so perfect in this picture. Hair combed, curled and done, cute new shirt/shoes and matching outfit. It's so girly and her. Aubrey is in kindergarten this year at Midway. Originally she was in afternoon kindergarten with Mrs. Kohler (Tucker's teacher from last year). There were so many kids in the classes though, that after the first week the school district allowed the school to open up another class. I volunteered Aubrey to be in it and now she is in morning kindergarten. The class size went from the 30s down to 22. There were 7 kids from our ward in the afternoon class, and 4 of them were switched to morning. Funny thing is, one of the kids is named Cody Calderwood. There is another Calderwood family in our ward and their son is Cody and they also have a daughter named Aubrey that is a couple years older. Small world. Cody and Aubrey will be in school together throughout the years and they aren't twins, cousins, barely even related (generations back).
I'm still trying to figure out a routine now that the kids are gone almost every day. They are happy, I absolutely love that they get to ride bikes to school until the weather gets too cold/bad, (I just have to pick Aubrey up) and the fighting/messes are sort of cut in half. I can't believe that Tucker will be in the class of 2025 and Aubrey 2026 someday. Blake gets some Mommy time now without all the interruptions.
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