We headed to Utah for 2 weeks on December 19th. Cody's and my parents live 10 minutes away from each other so we spent the first week sleeping at the Calderwood's and the second week at the Fosters. We were lucky enough to get a bunch of snowstorms while we were in town, so we spent lots of time playing outside. Cody's practicing his gymnastics skills with a toetouch off the porch into the snow.
If you've been following our blog this past year, you might have noticed a trend in our family of always getting sick when we go to Utah. Well, this trip was no different except that we didn't have to go to the Emergency Room. Aubrey woke up the 23rd with a horrible barking cough. The diagnosis: croup. She was pretty bad for a few days and then started improving. The rest of us caught a cold later in the week.
Christmas Eve we spent with my side of the family and had a great dinner with my grandparents and family. We opened presents that night and then headed back to the Calderwoods for the night and Christmas morning.
Despite being sick we had a great time visiting on our vacation with family and friends. We saw National Treasure 2, went to a Jazz game, ate at great restaurants and enjoyed our time. Sorry that there are so many posts in a row. Rather than posting a bazillion pictures in one post, I thought I'd spread it out a bit.
Lisa it is great to hear from you! Your family is adorable. It sounds like you guys are doing great. My husband was in Law school with Regan Duckworth, they are some of our really good friends. Small World! Hope all goes well with your husbands last semester of Dental School. Isn't it great to be in the home stretch of school? Congratulations on getting through grad school with kids. Great to hear from you.
Lisa, I can't believe another christmas has past and I didn't get a chance to see you. It's been like two years!! I miss my Lisa girl. It looks like you had a fun time though. I hope you get better from your colds soon, that is no fun to be sick during the holidays. We always get sick too. Love ya!
Wow! How high is that deck?! Did Cody break both his legs?
That deck is around 60-70 feet high, and I didn't break my legs because I am such an athlete!
You guys look like you had a great time over the break. It was nice to see you guys for a few minutes at the Reid's on Christmas.
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