Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Ultimate Gift

If you are looking for a GREAT family movie with wonderful life lessons, then you definitely need to rent "The Ultimate Gift". It wasn't heavily publicized but has huge actors in it like James Garner (the Notebook), Abigail Breslin (Little Miss Sunshine), Jason Stevens (Army Wives), Brian Dennehy and Bill Cobbs. We rented it at RedBox, so I know it's out there. Enjoy the movie and let me know what you think.


Anonymous said...

Great movie. I loved the message and lessons that Red Stevens (James Garner) was trying to teach his grandson. The best line in it was when he was playing his video will for Jayson, his grandson. He said, "what material thing can I give that wouldn't screw you up like your uncles and cousins?" Too many people today destroy their children and any chance they have at happiness and success by giving them everything. In this case, less is better. Again, great movie.

Carissa, Brandon, Carly, & Tyler said...

Carissa and I agree, it is a great movie. We actually went and listened to the man who wrote the book speak- a blind man. It was very inspirational. I haven't read the book but I have heard it is just as good as the movie (they tried to actually match the movie to the book as much as possible with a little hollywood added in!). Definitely a must see!

Carson Calderwood said...

Looks good, we'll have to see it. I hadn't heard anything about it, thanks.

Melissa Rose said...

Hey so Preston and I borrowed that movie from his parents and I thought it was really good, but Preston didn't really like it. I think he is heartless sometimes
:-) I returned the rest of the stuff from Stein Mart and it took like five minutes and they gave me the 160 dollars in cash. crazy huh? Oh and Cody there are a few select chain restaurants that I enjoy such as cafe rio and pf changs. But we got dessert that night at 10:30 and none of the ma and pop shops that I like were open. You can even ask Preston I ate like two bites of our dessert. That and I was still recovering from the flu. so there :-) I rest my case.

Amanda said...

Rob and I saw that movie in the theater. My dad took us to see it last year, because he said that lots of people in the financial communitiy were taking their clients to see it. It has such a great message, we really enjoyed it and have been telling people to go see it as well.

Anonymous said...

We got it from the library awhile back and really liked it too!

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful movie that we rented from Red Box back in Sept. We try to tell everyone we know how great and clean this show is and also that you learn a lot about what's important in life.
Our whole extended family watched in Thanksgiving afternoon.
Lisa's mom - Susan Foster

Alysha said...

I am so glad you found me! Don't you love finding people in this blog world so we can see what each other is up to-even if we are on different coasts! It looks like things are going great for you and your adorable family. Your Aubrey and my twins are close in age-isn't it a great age-they are so fun! Anyway, great to hear from you and I can't wait to keep getting updates on your blog!

AJ said...

Guess I'll put it in our queue. Lots of recommendations.

Unknown said...

Totally a great movie and clean as a whistle.

Unknown said...

This is a really good movie.And has a cool plot.

T&JFree said...

We got this movie for Christmas. You can tell it is low budget, but I do agree that the message, while predictable, is very good. It's nice to see a movie that doesn't focus on fast cars and fast women and all the money it takes to get them.