Saturday, August 22, 2009


The mountains will always be there, the trick is to make sure you are too. - Hervey Voge
We have been spending a lot of time in the mountains the past couple of weeks trying to get the most out of summer where we live. I've been slow to load the pictures, so you all get a smorgasbord of fun photos.
A little over a week ago we headed up to the mountains right behind our house to have some tin foil dinners and enjoy the mountains. It was a very spur of the moment adventure.
I got the fire started using some of our old broken dresser.

Tucker and Aubrey love the mountains and being around camp fires. Don't their smiles pretty much explain it all?

A common view of Cole peeking around from behind his car seat cover.

Here are the delicious dinners cooking around the coals and flames.

A cool shot Lisa captured of a sunflower.

This past week we went on another spontaneous jaunt up to Silver Lake by Brighton ski resort. We drove up the backside and met up with Lisa's parents.

We went for a "hike" around the lake. For those that have been there, you will know why I put hike in quotes. I thought this was a cool photo of a father daughter moment. Dad- "So, you still love that weirdo Cody?" Daughter- "Oh dad, he's just so dreamy!"

We found a dock and the kids loved feeding the ducks.

Cole enjoyed the views from his royal perch.

This is Mt. Millicent in the evening light overlooking Silver Lake.

The kids had a blast playing on the big boulders with grandma and grandpa Foster.

Yesterday, I took off around mid-day to go backpacking in the Grandaddy basin in the Uintahs with Mike Dyer. It was a very last minute decision to go backpacking, but was so worth it.
As you get to the top of Hades Pass, you are treated to some phenomenal views of mountains, lakes and the Grandaddy Basin.

After the pass you descend down to Grandaddy Lake, and Mike and I decided to get some fishing in before setting up camp as it was dusk and the fishing looked prime.

Here's Mike with all his gear.

The sun began to quickly set and we were blessed with some colorful moments while fishing on the edge of the lake.

Because we fished until it was dark, we had to find a camp site down by Lodgepole Lake in the dark. When we woke up in the morning we were pleasantly surprised to see this beautiful scene outside our tent. We had unkowingly camped next to a cool pond by Lodgepole Lake.

We walked over to the lake and started fishing. We were the only ones there the entire morning. It was so pristine being able to camp and fish without sight or sound of another person.

Here is a cool shot of Mt. Agassiz and Hayden Peak to the North.

Despite being alone on the lake, the fishing was extremely slow. I think because it was so warm, and the water was so warm, the fish were just too lethargic. I've fished there before earlier in the summer with tremendous success, but not today. We could see the trout, but they weren't really moving, swimming, or feeding. Mostly just hanging out in the shade and conserving energy. I did manage to catch a small, but beautiful, brook trout.
See, not very big.
It was a great backpacking trip with amazing scenery. I had a great time with Mike, and we both agreed that it was a break that was very needed.


Karen, Mackay, Easton & Kallie said...

the second picture down...holy cow...tucker looks just like spencer in that fun! Gotta love the alpine loop huh? And this is just my opinion, but i bet Ken likes you the the best even if you are a NERD!

Laurel said...

Beautiful pictures!

P.S. You must be getting really rich when you can burn your furniture just to get dinner cooked! Oh, the life of a dentist!

Justin & Erin Linton Family said...

Talk about postcard pictures! Awesome!! Looks like you guys are having fun! Keep it up

Leale said...

i love out "outdoorsy" your family is. sure miss you guys. hope we can meet up sooner than later.