It's been over a year since we were able to make it up to my family's cabin near Oakley, UT. We now only live about 35 minutes away and there's been a lot of snow, so we took advantage of it and went up for part of the weekend. Cody's parents met us at our house and we drove up. We had fun snowmobiling, playing games and of course the guys watched football.
I thought this was a cute picture of Cerola (Cody's mom) and Aubrey.

Cody tried out his new toys (skis, boots, bindings and poles) from the past few months and was towed behind the snowmobile. He said it was like water skiing, but a bit scarier when I was taking him 45-50 miles per hour and he was crossing the wake.

Tucker hauled around Cody's poles and would try to stand in the way of his path. Cody came by and picked Tucker up as he was headed in to the barn.

I could have cared less that I am due in 3 weeks. If this baby wants to come now, go right ahead. I figured snowmobiling would only help my chances of him coming out sooner. My snowpants wouldn't zip up of course, but my friend lent me a coat that I can zip up which was awesome and warm!

I love the lighting with this picture. Aubrey did have fun, although you'd think otherwise looking at this picture. She was mad that I was driving with Tucker and she couldn't come with me too.

My Grandpa's cute cabin that he built when my Dad was in high school.

No, I haven't fallen and can't get up, I'm trying to teach Tucker the technique of snow angels. (Although it is very difficult to get up in the snow!)

Tucker had fun making snowballs and playing around.

Cruising along through the field below the cabin.

Did anyone check out the awesome full moon on Saturday night?

These last two pictures aren't from this weekend, but ones I snapped earlier in the week at our house. We have about 3 feet of snow and they were "helping" me shovel the driveway.

Tucker loves his animals and decided that his giraffes needed some snowtime as well. Unfortunately for one of his giraffes, it was so cold that it's tail fell off. (At least that's what I told Tucker. Really what do you expect from an 88 cent Walmart giraffe?)
It was a fun weekend. Heather and Dan came up Saturday night to the cabin for a few hours, slept over at our house, and then they came with us to church. After church we went back up to the cabin to spend the afternoon hanging out and playing games. We enjoyed the time up there with Dan and Heather.
Awesome pics! I love the one of your cute pregnant belly! :) It looks like you guys had a great (and well deserved after all your moving craziness!) weekend! You guys are such a cute family...
looks like you had a great time! I also tried just about everything to get annie to come out early ... and she just wanted to come late! I remeber going to your cabin when we were little, a couple times for your birthday party and for snowmobiling! we always had so much fun. I loved tubing in the field behind the snowmobiles! good times. oh and does it still have that RED carpet?
That sounds like a blast of a weekend! you crack me up at your tacticts to try and get the baby to come faster!
Look like you had tons of fun! That picture of you pregnant sure is cute! I know how it feels to just want the baby here! Imagine two of them in there! I was plum misrable and so ready when they came!
I think the photo of Cody's mom with Aubrey is darling! Glad you guys are doing so well. You've been through a lot these past few months and deserve to relax a little.
Sweet pics.
Code red, you need to call me b/c I don't have your new phn number.
Glad the moving went well and you're finally "home" in Midway! It would be an awesome place to live! Seeing pictures of the cabin brought back so many memories! So so many memories! (Do you remember Truly, Madly, Deeply???) It would be fun once we live in the same state again to get together more often. Good luck with that baby!!! Can't wait to see pictures!
I enjoy your pictures of the cabin and the snow. It helps me remember a time that I thought playing in the snow was fun. Now, I just think it's cold.
It's nice for you to be close to your family isn't it?
your prego pic is sooo cute! loved seeing you today! I am still jealous how stinkin skinny you are...BRAT! =) Thanks for putting up with us for a few hours this afternoon...LOVE your new place too! U guys deserve it!
Lisa, some of those pix are looking great! Nice job.
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