Sunday, April 13, 2008


I went to the Maryland Zoo Friday morning with my friend Kelly and her 2 kids. She has a pass to the DC Zoo (that zoo is free but parking's not) and the pass gets you into the Maryland Zoo free - which is great! I'm trying to teach Tucker about other animals besides the mighty elephant.
The elephants are still his favorite by far though! When we say "cheese" he really cheeses it! I'd never been to this zoo before and was pleasantly surprised with it. We saw 95% of the animals and they were actually in action or close up so we could see them.
Later that day Cody took Tucker to Target and bought him a t-ball stand. He's always wanting to play (Tucker that is), but never quite hits the ball unless Cody and I have exact aim at where he is going to swing.

Aubrey loved it as well...and being outside did us all a lot of good! The weather was actually in the 70's for 2 days before it dropped back 20 degrees.
Tucker still loves to pick dandelions.


Carissa, Brandon, Carly, & Tyler said...

I know where Tucker gets it- I had to do the same thing for Cody when we played softball! Like father like son. -Brandon

Carson Calderwood said...

We need to get Tucker and Trey together for some dandelion picking. He wanted us to pull over and pick them as a family as we drove by a field yesterday.