Finally I can do a post about our future after graduation now that I know for a certainty what we are doing. The last several months have been so uncertain for us with the job search. It has been a big roller coaster ride for us since last November when I thought I had a job secured in Coeur d' Alene. I had some good job offers in the Spokane area since last summer and we really thought that we were going to end up there, but things fell through and didn't end up working out for us. We were so bummed because we had put so much research and effort into securing a job for me. Granted, I have been fairly picky about the job I am going to accept, but I figured that after all the schooling I have done I deserved to be picky.
Well, after things in Spokane didn't work out as I had hoped, we went back to the drawing board to start applying for some more jobs. Denver and Spokane were always our top two options. After receiving some promising offers in Spokane last summer, we focused our efforts on the Pacific Northwest and quit looking in the Denver area. With the new developments two weeks ago concerning my job offers in Spokane, I went back to square one using all my resources to find job offers in a hurry.
In my search there was only one offer in Spokane, which was a corporate dental position, none in Idaho, one in Utah, but more than a dozen in Colorado. I sent my CV to all of those practices two weeks ago today hoping to get a reply from some of them. I was really nervous too because this is really late to begin looking for a job considering that I graduate in May.
Much to my surprise I got a reply from Dr. Miller in Colorado Springs within a few short hours. We talked on the phone for quite a while and I really like his practice philosophy, his personality and the opportunity it would give me as an associate and potential partner down the road.
I booked a flight out to Colorado to meet him and his staff and check the area out. I landed on Wednesday and was scheduled to fly home today, Saturday. I have been very fortunate to take off time from school on such short notice because I have been done with all my requirements for a while now.
When I got there, I loved both the city and Dr. Miller's Practice. I followed him around his office on Thursday to see the system that he uses and to get to know him and his staff. It went great and he offered me the job. It is actually the best offer I have received too.
This is a view of Pikes Peak (14,115 ft) from Colorado Springs.

While I was there I saw the place we are going to rent for our first year until we find a house to buy. It is a cool 3 level townhouse by Palmer Park, a nature preserve. The best part about this- we will be paying $300 a month less to rent this than we are currently paying in Baltimore. It is a two bedroom, two and a half bath townhouse with an unfinished basement and includes a garage. Very cool indeed.

And our last bit of great news is that we bought a car! On Friday my dad's friend Kip Wade won an auction for us on a silver 2005 pathfinder. It is completely loaded-black leather interior, DVD player, heated seats, adjustable pedals, 7 passenger seating, 4WD, Bose sound system. Basically if Nissan offers it on a Pathfinder, we got it. It only has 40,000 miles and we got it for a little under $21,000.
Full blown adults now, huh? Well, almost - there still the mortgage, to come, right?
Seriously though, congratulations on the job. I think Colorado is super beautiful. I don't think I have been to Colorado Springs, but I have been nearby. I had a friend in high school who grew up sort of nearby in Pueblo and loved it.
Anyway, thanks for sharing your great news.
Woo hoooo!! Congrats! Sounds like a great fit - funny how the Lord's plans work.
lisa, i'm really sorry that spokane didn't work out i wanted to come visit sometime. but i guess the lord knew you were not suppose to be here. hope you enjoy the cold weather. jilayne
Looks like things worked out well for you guys. I think Colorado will be a great place to live. Congrats.
Hey Congrats, you guys! What exciting news. How good does it feel to be done with school and starting a career?! I can only imagine...
Congrats on the new job... the new car... and Mark grew up in Greeley (2 hours north) and says lots of people really love Co. Springs. Says it's a great place! His parents ski all the time at Breckenridge. Seems like you guys will be really happy there. Good luck with the move and the new adventure!
Congratulations you guys! My grandma lives in COS as well as an aunt and uncle that live just outside the area. It's gorgeous! What a fun new adventure for you guys!
dude, your boss is Will Ferrell!! Congrats on the car! So great! I left Lisa a message, but tell her thanks again for my cute outfits for sister! =)
We were excited to hear your good news! It sounds like everything just fell into place. Colorado looks like it will be a great place for you guys to live. I am sure your glad to know where you will be going next month. We are excited for you guys!
Congrats! looks like you will enjoy your job and the area.
Very exciting guys! Great find on the car and home and such.
how fun and exciting. congrats on everything
Hey we are so excited for you. Well I don't know if you've heard but Jordan and I are moving to Colorado Springs also. We have a couple houses to sell but we'll not be to far behind you. What a small world:) congrats on graduating and the job. Cassie
Glad it worked out, I think this was definitely what was supposed to happen after seeing how it all worked out. Nice car too!
Awesome, Congrats. Now if only my husband had a job. Colorado sounds like the perfect place for you. Plus it won't be too far from the family. Of course you need an SUV for that area of the country. Nice deal.
Congrats you guys! Glad everything worked out well. I am sure it's been a bit stressful these last few months. Looks like your hard work has paid off though. Way to see things through.
Sweeeeet! Thats awesome you guys FINALLY know where you'll be in the next few months. We are stoked for you guys. It will be good to have you somewhat closer and at least within a partial day's drive. And the car.... all I can say it NICE! We love our Pathfinder. We'll have to get picture together with'em and then do some photoshop magic and put an Armada in there for my Dad. Someday... he loves our cars! We'll convert him to Nissan!
That is so great you guys! It sounds absolutely perfect. I'm so happy for you.
How exciting! Congrats on the new job & graduation!
Lisa!!! Hey, it's Lauren (Haller, now Starr). I am SO glad you found me! I found out about the Skyline website not too long ago and looked you up, but am finally getting around to posting a comment. What a cute little family you guys have...your kids are SO adorable! I wish we lived closer to get together sometime. Knowing you, I'm sure you are the greatest mom and that's awesome that you teach clogging (you looked practically the same age as some of your students...that's a good thing). We'll have to keep in touch.
I can't believe we are all going our separate ways! I will miss you! I hope we make it back to Colorado in 2 years and can live close by again. Congrats. We are so excited for you guys.
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