Aubrey and I were in my Dad's piano recital on November 24th. 
I played "Where are you Christmas." I've loved that song and wanted to play it for a few years but my Dad's recital date hadn't coincided with my schedule until this year. I didn't even play the entire song, my Dad shortened it for me, since I ran out of time memorizing it, but I did fairly well. My Dad's band plays along with you which makes it unique and fun.
Aubrey again played without a single lesson from my Dad. She played Jolly ol' Saint Nicolas. I showed it to her a few times and she learned it. Unfortunately, I thought I recording her but I wasn't. Lisa Marie took pictures thankfully.
Parker and Mckenna were also in the recital so it was a family affair.
I love it when my Dad plays and play he did with his band.
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