We began remodeling Cody's office last November. We painted, laid new hardwood flooring, put up new light fixtures, bought new artwork, made the counter top level to the desk so that you could actually see our office manager when you walked in the door, got rid of the water wall and had the tile fixed to match and last summer Cody also had a new logo for Park City Dentistry done. My part of this was to reupholster the waiting room chairs. We really liked the wood of the chairs, so instead of spending hundreds of dollars on new chairs, I decided I could do the task of changing out the fabric. This is a picture of one of the 6 chairs.

2 of them were so much uglier than this with completely outdated fabric. I picked out my fabric last November and had to special order 7 yards of it. Special orders typically take 2-3 weeks from JoAnn's. Well, not this one. For whatever reason my special order took 9 weeks. It was unbelievable how slow it took. I think I finally got it the end of January. Getting the fabric was only part of the battle though. I've never upholstered before, and it actually isn't that hard, there's no sewing involved, just a lot of stretching of fabric and staples. The hardest part is removing all of the staples in the chair in the first place. Hundreds and hundreds of staples that don't want to come out. My Mom came and helped me a number of times and we'd spend a couple hours on one chair removing the staples with a flat head screwdriver. Most of the time those staples would break in half and we'd spend more time using pliers to wrench them out. Oh and I couldn't believe that gum was stuck to the bottom of the chairs. People really do that?! I mean, there's a garbage can around the corner - use it! How would you like it if I came to your place and stuck my gum on your furniture?
(Notice all of the staples, we did not put that many back into them.) |
Anyway, after all that hard work - we could finally enjoy our completed project! The new and much improved chairs! I washed them down with Murphy's Oil as well to bring the nice wood shine back. They look fantastic and although I typically would post about this on my craft blog, I just had to show all of you because of how long this project took.
(By the way, the bottom of the back of the chair looks slanted because the piece of wood it's attached to is shaped that way.) |
Unfortunately I didn't take any other pictures of the whole remodel, so you'll just have to go to Cody's office and see how great it looks now.
I can't wait to see it! All those staples look like such a pain, I hate it when a project that seems simple has a hidden horror in it, good job seeing it through and the finished product looks great!
Nice Work!! Really how many dentist offices in America would (or could) redo their own chairs? You did awesome!!
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