Tucker has proved that he is very observant yet again. Cody buzzes his own head with our hair clippers and I trim my bangs with our scissors. Well, Tucker decided to take it upon himself to take our kitchen scissors and apply them to his own hair. I decided to finish the job for him and even it out. After 3 fruit roll-ups and the Cars movie I finally finished.
Much shorter, but still as cute as ever! (Oh and please excuse his messy face. He's two!)

nice job on the cut! ...he looks older! i talked to lindsey yesterday...did i tell you she was having a boy?? can't remember!
oh it looks really cute. Good job!
he must have had a lot of fun styling his hair! You did a great job! He still looks as cute as ever!!!
He looks so grown up!
Lisa, Thanks so much for the backgroud advise. I am very excited to check it out because it was a pain finding everything again.
I love reading your blog and I have say those purses are so cute and so are your kids!
You've been tagged..sorry. The rules are: Once you have been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end you choose 10 people to be tagged. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "you are tagged" on their profile and tell them to read your blog. See an example on my blog. Have fun!
P.S. Now aren't you glad that I finally left you a comment!?!? :)
Oh my goodness! He looks so much older (and so cute)! I keep waiting for the day that my kids find the scissors and figure that out.
He looks so much older and so cute. You did such a good job!
Hey Cody and Lisa,
Sorry to invade your blog, it's Anna-Lise (Forslund) Templin. Cody and I went to highschool together and I found your site from Rachelle, anywho....long story short I grew up with Lisa too. Lisa I was in your ward (the 9th Ward) growing up. I remember riding in Kevin's gocart and taking piano from your dad! Glad to see you are all doing well. Love the bags you made! What a small world. :) Again sorry for invading.....
Haha! Go-carts!! makes me think of funny stories from chad thomas and chad kitchin!
You did a great job on the hair cut. It doesn't look like Tucker the two year old. He looks a lot older. He has a cute face even with food on it.
HA! I think every little kid has to go through that moment at least once, right? Of course Tucker would go through that phase! What a cute little rasal! Give him a big hug from Aunt Heather and make sure he doesn't go near Aubrey's hair with those things! It's just startin' to grow!
This post reminds me of one of my favorite stories of you and Kevin growing up.... The story where he cut your hair and tried to hide it. lol Heather is right, you better make sure Tucker doesn't do the same thing to Aubrey!
Time to relocate the scissors!! Although he looks really cute -it could've been much more disastrous.
Cody has hair to buzz???
Love cousin Jayson
Great job you guys! He does look a lot older with the cut.
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