Tucker turned 9 on September 17th. He wanted a friend birthday party this year and talked to me about it for months leading up to it. Usually during sacrament meeting. He'd whip out his journal and start writing down his plans and friend list. The friend list never changed, but his ideas typically did. Finally he settled on a theme. Legos. This boy of our goes from subject to subject and devours it. For those of you that know Tucker, you know its true. 5 years ago it it was animals, then bugs, dinosaurs, Skylanders, Pokeman, etc. This year all he wanted for his birthday were Legos and that's what he got - Legos. The movie, and Lego sets. Fortunately he has been very responsible at keeping them put together and in their boxes and bags. I'm sure someday we will have a random box or bucket of pieces, but for now, we aren't stepping on and cursing them. : )
I gave in and threw a party for Tucker. We decided we will do a family party one year and friend party the next. Of the original 7 kids that Tucker invited only 3 were able to make it. Tucker was disappointed, but we didn't let it damper the party, we had fun with the great friends that did come. One of my good friends recently did a blog post about a fun Lego party she did for her 5 year old and I tried to copy from it. Hers was much better, but the boys at our party didn't know that I failed. We frosted graham crackers and put M&M's on them to make them look like Legos. More food was eaten than created.

We used spoons as a relay to transfer Tucker's favorite candy, candy corn, from one bowl to another without using your hands. We also guessed how many candy corn were in a jar and the closest winner won all the candy corn.
Presents. Tucker loves Minecraft but we refuse to download it on the computer so his friend gave him some Minecraft toys.
I attempted to make a cake that looked like a giant Lego. Susan, your cake looked much better than mine. Frosting Oreo's is not a talent I possess!
The day before Tucker's birthday he cut his head open whacking it on a door handle. Rather than taking him in to get stitches, we pulled out the superglue and Dr. Dad fixed him right up. He had a headache for a day or two but is now feeling great!
Happy birthday Tucker. Luke also LOVES pokemon, minecraft and legos. Sounds like s fun party.
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