Almost every year since Cody and I moved away, I've been able to go back to Maryland to either teach clogging workshops or perform with the Teelin Irish Dance company whom I taught clogging for in Columbia Maryland. This year they wanted workshops. Because my flight, hotel and rental were paid for, Cody and I decided that we would pay for an airline ticket for Aubrey to come with me. She has been taking clogging lessons herself and would love it. She was born in Baltimore and was so happy to go back to her roots! She was flown many times in her life, but all before she turned 2. This was the first flight she would remember. We flew Southwest and lucky girl was able to get a window seat. We had an early flight out and I think she saw her first sunrise. She is definitely not a morning person. We spent the night at Grandma Sue's and she drove us to the airport at 5:30am for our 6:50 flight.

I normally stay close to the airport but decided to try a hotel closer to the dance studio. It ended up being a big mistake. This is a Red Roof inn near Columbia/Jessup/Laurel. It was a decent price. I picked it out, but it had some problems. Cleaning service only came once our entire stay. The ENTIRE hotel ran out of toilet paper. How does that happen? Not quite sure. The Hispanic cleaning lady gave me a few tissues packs held up 4 fingers while saying at 3 there would be more. Huh? And then a few hours later brought me some toilet paper along with the manager of the hotel. Needless to say, they received a horrible review.
I took Aubrey to the Inner Harbor and had her stand behind this bench. Baltimore is also known as "Charm City" We ate lunch at Noodles & Company and shopped a little before watching the man sing at...
the Fudgery. We took our free samples and headed back to our hotel. I taught clogging each night from 4:30 to 8:00. Aubrey danced with me from 4:30-5:30 and then colored or was taken out for ice cream, to the park or to my friend Abby's house to play. The first day was long for her and she was really bored. 3.5 hours is a long time. I was starving by the end of each day and we found the nearest place to eat and tried to switch it up.
I think everyone that came to visit us in Maryland has a picture taken here with the Aquarium in the background.
Tuesday night after I was done teaching we went out to dinner with my girls. These 3 women, who were probably 10-12 when I first met them were some of my very first Maryland cloggers I ever taught. Now all graduated from high school, some all graduated from college. We ate at Uno's and caught up about their lives. Aubrey is a wonderful picture taker!
I drove Aubrey up to Hampstead to where we went to church when she was a baby. She was blessed at this church.
After we ate lunch on the church lawn we drove over to my friend Cathy's house. I worked with Cathy the first year that Cody and I lived in Maryland. We became friends and her family flew to Utah for a visit the year that I was diagnosed with my cancer. A true friend! We visited for a short while before we had to head back to teach dance again.
Another morning I drove up to Owings Mills, where we lived the entire time in MD and I took Aubrey to the condo that she lived in. The lady that owns it must still live there because the little bench is still on the porch. I had her sit on it and of course, took a picture. I met up with my cousin Kim's husband and showed him around to a few apartment complexes that I knew of and liked in the area. They are moving to the area in August for him to get his PhD. It also happened to be his birthday. It was fun to reminisce for me the different places I use to shop, swim and go to daily. Times have changed, but we loved our time in Maryland.
Our last day in Maryland was Friday. Our flight wasn't until 1pm, so we got up early, checked out of our crummy hotel and drove through the horrible 495 traffic to reach this beautiful building!
The Washington DC temple. It took much longer than Google maps said, but I knew it would. It was worth it though and we had plenty of time to look around and then head back to the airport to drop off our tiny Chevy Spark rental car, take the shuttle bus to the terminal and catch some lunch before boarding our flight home. It was a successful trip, the clogging was great and I think Aubrey had a great one on one time with me.
How fun to do a one on one trip with one of your kids!
That just sounds amazing!! How fun for Aubrey and you to have that time together. I hope I can do that with my kids someday. And how fun to meet up with your first clogging girls at Teelin! Looks like so much fun :)
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