Saturday, August 18, 2012

Calderwood Family Reunion

The annual Calderwood Family reunion was held in Downey, ID this year at Downata Hot Springs July 26-27th. Each of the siblings takes turns each year to plan out the reunion. This was the first year we've been to this location. The food was excellent and we had a wonderful time visiting and catching up with family we see maybe once a year. Cody's cousin was diagnosed with lupus about a month before my tumor diagnosis, so a lot of time was spent talking about the past years medical experiences. Thank goodness we are both in remission now.
Borrowed from Laurel's blog
We packed up the truck and headed north for the weekend. We sold our camping trailer back in April and are back to tent camping until we can afford a newer trailer. We have 2 tents and put the kids in one and Cody and I in another.
The air temps were perfect for camping. We actually had to wake our early risers up in the morning.
A lot of sports talk with these men.
This is Aubrey's second cousin Kate, whom she refers to as her new cousin Kate. We camped next to Cody's cousin Russell and family and our kids are similar age and they played in the trees, playground, sand, swam together and enjoyed the outdoors.

A highlight from the trip, especially for Tucker, were these cute baby birds holed up in a tree next to our campsite. The Mom bird would fly back and forth all day to feed them.
Borrowed from Laurel's blog.
On our drive home we were able to stop off and see some of our dental school friends in town from Georgia - Bryce and Amy Carter. Bryce and Cody were lab partners in school. We've each had 2 kids since we last saw each other 4 years ago. Amy and I were told that one of us would have the most kids out of our dental school friends. She's got me beat. 5 to 4. It's not a contest though - no more Calderwood babies. : )


Laurel said...

I love the pic of Kate and Aubrey! And you can just have the pics... you don't ever have to return them!

We loved camping by you guys. We should do it again!

Marisa said...

That looks fun, I wish we could have gone!!

Russell said...

It was great seeing you guys and having time to talk. Enjoyed every minute of it. You have a great family and a Tucker is a great biologist! Hope to see you guys out here some time!

Katie said...

Good to see the carters and Calderwoods families. Lisa you look great. all the kidsare getting so big.