Tucker has been counting down the days until his birthday for quite some time now. Thursday finally arrived and he's 4! We love this boy. He wanted to wear his favorite outfit - his Colorado shirt and his navy blue sweatpants that are size 18months. Silly boy. I did make him change his pants when we went out during the day. I'm a lame Mom and didn't have 4 candles in the house. We had 2 pink ones. He blew them out in his waffle.
When I asked him what he wanted for breakfast on his birthday he told me "green waffles". I made our waffles green on St. Patrick's Day and he asks for them that way every time we eat waffles. We also decided to dye his milk blue. Love the mustache.

Tucker got a sweet razor scooter for his birthday. Funny story with this - I actually won this 6 years ago, after we were first married. We've lugged it all over the country wondering who we would give it to. Luckily scooters are still in style and he loves it!

If you know Tucker, you know he is obsessed with animals. He LOVES them and asks for more every day. He has informed me that he wants to build a boat and be like Noah. He is always lining his animals up on the ground and telling me his needs more. I have a feeling he won't be completely satisfied until every inch of our floor is covered in them. : ) We bought him this huge animal poster for his bedroom.

We had an awesome rainstorm on his birthday and a double rainbow appeared across the street.

We set up our backpacking tent in the living room for Tucker and Aubrey to sleep in that night. They giggled and had fun playing together. I'd say Tucker had a great birthday! We celebrate with extended family tomorrow and I get to attempt to make a giraffe cake. Hopefully it turns out!
What a cute boy! Happy 4th birthday!!
Happy Birthday Tucker! You are getting so big! Sydney misses you.
Madie's birthday is on Tuesday the 22nd. I also asked her what she wanted and she said green pancakes. It is funny the little things kids remember.
funny how that is a picture of your old house! haha! :) looks like tucker had a great day!
SO cute! My kids are always asking to color our pancakes, waffles, milk, and eggs because of St. Patricks day too.... so funny! Happy Birthday Tucker!
Happy Birthday, Tucker!
Too bad you saved that scooter until now. Cody and Devin could have been scooter buddies riding form the metro to the school.
I can't believe how quickly time seems to pass. It is amazing that he is four. He looks like he has grown so much since the last time I saw him. Anywho, happy bday Tucker.
Happy Birthday to Tucker! I can't believe that he is already four! He looks so grown up. Hope that the giraffe cake turned out good. Also, you guys need to take him to the Zoo. There are all kinds of baby animals there right now.
On another note... we might be up your way on the 17th of October for some family pictures. I am not sure what time but if you guys are around that day it would be fun to see you.
Happy Birthday to Tucker! I can't believe that he is already four! He looks so grown up. Hope that the giraffe cake turned out good. Also, you guys need to take him to the Zoo. There are all kinds of baby animals there right now.
On another note... we might be up your way on the 17th of October for some family pictures. I am not sure what time but if you guys are around that day it would be fun to see you.
I cant believe he is 4! Wow! Good luck with the cake-- can't wait to see it!
The kids are getting cuter all the time. Glad I could spend some time with them.
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