Our past two weekends have been very culturally enhancing! This weekend we went up to Snowbird to attend their annual Oktoberfest. My brother served his mission for our church in Germany, so he invited us to go with him and his family. I took 4 years of German in high school/college and was able to sort of be an interpreter when I went to Austria back in 2001.
This juggler/balloon man comes every year to entertain the kids.

Look at Tucker's face. He was totally enthralled!

The cousins with their balloon creations.

Uncle Spencer and Cole.

For a buck the kids were able to enjoy the bounce house and slide. Us adults thought the slide was crappy because you weren't able to really slide down it, but the kids had fun bouncing and rolling.

We took the Snowbird Trail out to the overlook. Here is the Foster clan minus Heather and Dan.

You gotta love the polka/chicken dance music that they continuously play. Aubrey and my dad partnered up for this song.

Cute German couple in their lederhosen.

While we ate lunch my parents participated in an egg dance. You had to dance to the music with an egg between your foreheads. The couple to win, won 2 passes on the tram. Unfortunately my parents came in 2nd.

Tucker and Mckenna

Now on to Swiss Days. We absolutely LOVE living in Midway and Swiss Days is huge here. The whole community gets involved. It's awesome! Cody was asked to be in charge of our wards Swiss (Navajo) Taco booth for this year and next year. He probably put in 40 hours of work during the Labor Day week and weekend. They have everything down to a science though and it turned out great.

Although I saw very little of my husband during the week, I was able to see one of my best friends from dental school. Hannah's sister lives a street over from me, so I get to see her whenever she comes to town. We were able to eat lunch and browse the booths together.

There is a parade that the city puts on Saturday morning and I walked my now triple chariot over to Main street to enjoy the events. The kids got tons of candy and it was so fun to watch and actually know people in the parade.
Last thing. Tonight is the finale for America's Got Talent. Tune in from 7-9 Mountain Time on channel 5. The Fab Five are cloggers from Utah that are awesome! One was my clogging teacher, another I danced with in college and they all are great!

Vote for them after the show!