On Friday, May 8th, I went to my radiation appointment in the morning and after I ate my normal lunch my lip starting feeling funny. My lip was HUGE! I promise I didn't give myself Botox injections. I was dribbling when I drank and sent this picture to Sean, my PA. He advised me to take my steroid immediately and take an antihistamine. He was worried that my tongue could become swollen and block my air passage. I was talking fine, but if the swelling spread I would be in trouble. The swelling did not go down. I woke up the next morning with a bit less swelling but my plans to attempt to go to my National clogging competition at Lagoon were not happening. I didn't know what had triggered the reaction and didn't feel comfortable. I had gone to my dance class that week and was choreographed back into my spot, but unfortunately wasn't reliable that day. It's not like having cancer isn't a good excuse, but I felt terrible about canceling last minute.

Mother's Day.
We are growing too big to all sit on my bench, even with one on my lap. I was spoiled with a bag full of caramel candies and cute cards.
Blake had his little graduation ceremony from Sunshine Circle perschool the end of May. The last of our 4 kids to attend. This is the owner and one of his 2 teachers, Miss Melissa.
She was very excited to receive a trophy with her name on it.
After Aubrey's recital we came home and cooked hot dogs and marshmallows over a fire in the backyard. We sold our camping trailer, so we'll have many nights like this throughout the summer unless we get out with the tent and camp in the mountains.
On May 24th, the day before Memorial Day, we drove down to Sandy for dinner at my parents and I had Cody drive me to Larkin cemetery to visit my Grandparents grave. I hadn't seen the gravestone. It looked very nice. Chris and Dave had brought flowers and the cemetery had placed flags by those who were veterans. I sure do miss my Grandpa, both of my grandparents a lot lately. My Dad and uncle Brian officially bought the cabin so it stays in the family.
The 24th is my Mom and Heather's birthday. This year my Mom's 60th! We had a big dinner at her house. We skyped with Heather in Washington afterward.The 24th is also Mickey's birthday. We invited Mickey and Cerola up for dinner on Memorial Day and cooked them up some of the fish that we brought back from Mexico. It tastes great!
The kids last day of school was May 29th. They have grown a lot.
My mask is extremely tight during my 10 minutes of radiation. I'm bolted by the head to a table and when I'm done this is what my face looks like. It goes away by the time I drive home, but it sure does hurt while I'm lying there. Somedays it's my cheekbones, jaw or my eyes feel squished.
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