I received some terrible news last week week. I've been dealing with some weird ear issues since last June. I was diagnosed with Patulous Eustachian Tube Disorder, where basically my tubes don't close off like they are supposed to. I thought it was originally due from flying to sea level back in May and June, but the doctors did not agree. I've seen 3 ENTS's (ear, nose throat, specialists) and saw one for another consult last Tuesday after the holiday weekend. I've also been getting headaches daily for 2 and a half months. I attributed those to my ongoing ear problem. After I saw the ENT, he decided to refer me to a neurologist. I happened to get in the next day, so last Wednesday. That doctor told me that my headaches were tension headaches, which made perfect sense to me since I was so stressed out with my Etsy shop before the holidays. But, I had my shop on vacation for over a month and the headaches didn't end. I saw the neurologist on Wednesday and he wanted me to get an MRI. There is a mobile MRI that comes to Heber twice a week and I was able to get an appointment last Thursday. After the test I was told it would take 2-3 business days to hear back on results. Well, Friday morning I got the call from my neurologist saying that he'd already spoken to the neurosurgeon, who would be calling me shortly. I had a large brain mass on the right side of my brain. When the neurosurgeon called me later he asked if I'd been told that I had a tumor. Um - NO - no one said it that way. He had me immediately come to the ER at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center to get admitted and for upcoming surgery. Cody's Mom came up to watch the kids and Cody and I headed to the hospital. Luckily it was Cody's 4 day weekend and he didn't have to work Friday or Monday. Now my only experience with tumors is that my Grandma and cousin had tumors, but that wasn't very comforting because they have both passed away. Oh and the only movie clip I could think of is this one with Arnold Schwarzenegger where he says "It's not a toomah." That really was what was running through my mind repeatedly. The clip can be found here.
This picture is from my ER room before I was admitted. Cody took the liberty of changing up my doctor's/nurse's names on the board for fun. It had been a couple days since things had been updated. What an amazing team I had working on me!
The surgeon wanted me to be on steroids for 36 hours to reduce the swelling before they did the surgery. I had another scan (spectroscopy) Saturday before my surgery was scheduled to make sure they knew exactly what we were dealing with. No change, still a neoplasm (tumor).
I had to have my hair cut and shaved off so that they could operate. I should have been more worried about the fact that I had a brain tumor, but I was pretty sad about my hair. Although - I did not cry. The hardest most emotional part came from Tucker. Before we left for the hospital on Friday he told me that he thought I was going to the hospital to die. Then I guess he prayed that night that I wouldn't die. Plus all of the tremendous outpouring of love and support has brought tears to our eyes over and over. I was able to see him a couple times and talk to him throughout the week and he's been doing great. The kids have been with friends and Grandma and Grandpa all week and have been having the time of their lives. Thank you to all of you who have pitched in to help out. Thank goodness we live back in Utah with all this help.Tucker is eating one of my treats here. I received a lot of darling hats/scarves and treats to hold me over for ever. So, if you are thinking of visiting, please hold off on the sugar, I can't work out and it will just make me feel like I'm eating crap and doing nothing. : )
Initially they put me in the ICU because there weren't enough rooms on the other floor for me.

Cody and his dad came at 6:00 am Sunday morning to give me one final blessing before the surgery.
They started to cut my hair at 6:30 Sunday morning and then shaved me to look like Cody. I kept my ponytail though, which is good because I found a website that will make me a wig with my own hair.
Not too shabby eh?
My hair is growing back in red and is fuzzy. Pretty normal I guess. You probably won't see me without a hat or headband on though.
After they shaved my head they wheeled me down for one final MRI before the surgery. Surgery started at 8:00 am and I didn't get out of surgery until after 2:00 that afternoon. It took me several hours for the anesthesia to wear off, and I don't remember anybody that came to visit me on Sunday, but I know I had a lot of family come by. The surgeon said that the tumor removal went well and seems quite optimistic.
Here is a photo of me once I started coming to Sunday night.
On Monday the nurse took me for a little walk around the hall in the ICU. Here I am with my Grandpa Foster and Mom in the hall.
Crazy incision.
My cousin, April, came to visit me yesterday and got there before they took the drain out of my head. She was able to take pictures of it. That white thing was underneath my skin. It hurt pretty badly after they took it out. The opening/ending was larger than what was sticking out, but I've been on percocet for days now and it does the trick.

The anesthesiologist took pictures during surgery and emailed them to Cody. I must have provided a phone number. I don't remember. We do have the following pictures though. WARNING!!!! If you get squeamish with bloody photos, you might not want to proceed. We think they are amazing though so we had to share them. The one of the petri dish is only half of my tumor. Since it was such a diffuse tumor they had to leave some of it behind because they didn't want to risk trying to remove it all with the healthy tissue surrounding it. I'm just praying that I don't have to have surgery again to remove more. The treatments, whatever they are, should take care of it.
My neuroseurgon, Dr. Gardner, operating.
The skull has been removed and is showing the dura covering the brain.

My brain! It really is beautiful to see the human brain like that.

Taking the initial biopsy.

After removing the tumor, the dura has just been replaced and sewn back together.
Half of the tumor in a petri dish.
We still haven't received my pathology test back yet. They had to send it out for a 2nd opinion. The initial call was that it was a low grade 1 or 2 astrocytoma. We should know mid next week and then we'll also know the treatment from there. I'm assuming no radiation or chemo if it comes back as a grade 1.
They finally released me to come home yesterday, which feels great! I was bored and burnt out of being at the hospital. Everyone was great to me, the food wasn't bad, but it's not home and I have things to do and need to heal. The kids are all gone at friends or family for the night so it's just Cody and I. A massive thank you to both Cody's mom and my mom. The two have been a huge, huge help with the kids and the house. Also thanks to everyone else for your help, support and prayers. It means so much to us.
Wow Lisa! Those are some amazing photos. You have a beautiful brain. ;) I really am very impressed by how upbeat and positive you have been through all of this. You are amazing!
What an example you are of smiling through adversity. You are amazing! Praying that you have good news when the pathology report comes back.
Amazing! Those pictures are fascinating! I am so happy that things are going well and the surgery went great for you. You have the best outlook on this that I can ever imagine! I have been sending up prayers for you and will continue to that the pathology report is good news when you hear it. Good luck recovering!
What a crazy situation! It always happens so quickly, one day you are sitting in the doctors office and then the next is a whirlwind. I am so happy you have so many hands to help you and your family out. We are praying for good results from the second opinion and sending much love your way.
Thank you for sharing your story with us all Lisa. You are an amazing woman and Cody clearly married up! I remember how tramatic it was when I cut all of my long hair off and I did not follow it up with a head shaving or brain surgery. The most amazing part of all of your's and Cody's posts is your wonderful attitude and faith. We are still praying for your speedy recovery.
We are so glad that you are home. I hope you are starting to feel better. You really are amazing.
Glad it went well Lisa and Cody. We will continue to pray for your speedy recovery and well being.
So incredible. I'm so glad that things are going well and hope you heal quickly and don't have to have surgery again. :)
I'm surprised--but then again, not really surprised since it's you we're talking about!--at the smile you have on your face in all the pictures. I wouldn't be surprised if you'd smiled all through your surgery :)
I hope for the best possible news this week when you get the results of the pathology test. We'll be sending lots of prayers your way.
- Clint and Emily Norby
I am so sorry to hear what you have been going through. Thank heavens you had great Dr.s who sent you in so promptly for an MRI! I've had some health issues of my own to deal with and I found that listening to some Louise Hay health meditations (such as one labeled "self-love" on youtube) have helped me to calm down and get in a positive mental state, which is obviously great for health. You seem like you are doing really well, but when I was super sick I definitely got into a sheer terror mode sometimes; I found Hay's stuff to be really helpful. Good luck with everything!
Wow Lisa! Thanks for sharing the inside of your head and being so open about the whole thing. Happy to hear you are home.
Love and prayers!!!
Aunt Karen
Lisa, Greg and I are so glad that you are home! We are amazed with the speed at which you got to go home. Thanks for sharing the pictures. You are an inspiration to everyone! We are praying for good news with your pathology results.
This whole thing has just been so fast and crazy. I love the pictures, I hadn't seen all of them, you have been so brave! I can't believe you're already blogging about it. I hope you get lots of rest and how awesome to have both families around to take the kids! I hope everything goes well from this point and you never have to have your head cut open again!!
Thanks for the warning! Although the pictures of the drain being removed were way harder to stomach than your brain! I admire you Lisa for staying so positive in a horrible situation. Cody too. I think of you and your family daily and send my love and prayers your way!
Those pictures are amazing!! I can't believe that is YOUR brain! Holy cow. :) You are an inspiration Lisa!
Wow, Lisa. That is crazy! I can't believe those pictures. I'm so glad to get the story and glad you have such a positive attitude. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers daily. I love you! You are a great example.
We hope everything from here on out goes smoothly, with no more problems, and a great recovery. My brother's girlfriend is actually having surgery for the same thing in just over a week, so I sent them a link to your blog...I hope you don't mind. She's pretty nervous, but is ready to be out of pain. Glad the surgery went well though, and I hope you feel better!
You are so freakin' tough! We think about you daily and pray for a speedy recovery. I hope your hair comes back curly. Red and curly!
Lisa, you're awesome! Thanks for sharing. What a CRAZY week you have been through - I can't even imagine! We have been thinking of you guys and praying, of course ... just like everyone ... and are glad to hear you're doing well. Just rest rest rest and let us know if there's any way we can help.
Wowee! Those pictures are absolutely incredible. My husband and I say and studied them for a good 5 minutes. I'm so relieved that everything has gone so well up to this point, and I'm sure it will continue to go well. Lisa, your attitude is incredible. Thank you for that, and for handling everything with such grace. You are an amazing lady, and I'm privileged to know you!
Thanks for sharing your amazing story and those incredible photos! You are an insiration of how to deal with life's problems head on with a smile on your face! We will continue to keep you in our prayers!
Lisa, this is incredible! What an example of faith and strength. Those pictures are amazing! I hope and pray that all goes well from here on out. Good luck with everything and know the Lord is on your side! Love you girl!
Thank you for sharing your story. Those picture are really amazing! I wish you the best in your recovery and your treatments!
Dear Little Lisa,
My heart is broken to hear what you have gone through this past week. I wanted to express my love to you,and my thoughts and prayers will be with you every day.
You are a wonderful person with a beautiful family. I know Heavenly Father is watching over you.
You are incredibly strong, you are a very special person.
Love, Carole Sharp
Hey Lisa, it's Amy and Mike-Lisa Foster's brother and sister-in-law. Just want you to know that we fasted for you and continue to pray for your quick recovery. Thanks for sharing your strength and story with us!
I hope your recovery goes well and the diagnosis is positive. Sorry you have to go through all of this!
Lisa I am so glad you updated! I don't have Facebook and LaChere has been emailing out any updates there have been. I'm so glad that everything is working out, I've been keeping you in my prayers. You look so beautiful with a shaved head, truly! I hope you continue to do well, and update when you can! Love ya!!
HI Lisa and Cody,
I know I haven't commented in forever, but I happened to see your blog today. I am thinking of you guys! Lisa, you are so lucky you look so great without hair! Might I say you have a terrific head shape! We are thinking of you guys!
Amanda (& Rob) Bradshaw
Lisa, You are such a strong women! I can't believe how much you have gone through. Those photos of your brain are crazy amazing I can't believe the doctor was nice enough to take those pictures and send them to you. Good luck and God bless you as you endure this trial! I will keep you in my prayers.
I've been thinking about you and your family alot. We haven't met, but Meg Teelin is a wonderful friend through Irish dance. She told me about you. I also had a very large brain tumor removed in 2007. I am praying for you and just wanted to let your know that if you want someone to talk to who understands the experience and it's effects, please don't hesitate to contact me. My email is brookedesign (at) comcast.net. Or my Facebook is Brooke Davis Griffiths.
I hope things have been progressing as well as possible. You are in my thoughts & prayers,
Well, Lisa you may not have cried when you had to shave your head, but I started bawling when I saw the pictures. I am so sorry, but so happy that you are taking all of this so well. I love the picture of you and Cody with your matching haircuts! :) Good luck with the results. We will pray for you for sure.
I had no idea!!! I cried all the way through your story. I'm so sorry!!!! Your a fighter you can beat this, I'll keep you in my prayers.
Hi Lisa & Cody...
I still can't view all of the pictures without crying.. I will always be there for you (hopefully you know by now). It was absolutely wonderful being with you this week in Akumal... you & Cody were the best part of the whole trip. I'm always praying for you.
Love you dearly... Dad
I will add you to my prayers. You're a courageous young lady.
Oh my glory! Thank you for sharing all of this. You are so amazing.
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