Blogging has just not been on my to-do list lately. It's not that we haven't been doing anything, we've been so busy that I haven't had time, and when I do have downtime, there are so many other things I need/want to do.
I got crafty one day and pulled out the tissue paper and printed some pumpkins up online. The kids had fun making Halloween pictures.
We also made bats to hang in near our door entrance. Cole is fascinated by them and will sit and stare at them.

We've had fun hanging out with friends. Mike and Leah and their girls came over one evening and Addy and my kids ran wild and finally settled down for some ice cream. Then, it was back to running and playing.

We went up to the cabin a couple weekends in a row to help my Grandpa install a new staircase. My brother's family came up one of the weekends and the kids had fun playing in the trees.

The "girl" cousins.

Building the stairs. For those of you that have been to the cabin before, you know how bad the stairs were. They were 40 years old and rotted railroad ties. These new stairs will be awesome and a lot safer!

Tucker had his first field trip to Hee Haw Farms. Here, Aubrey and Tucker's cute classmate and our neighbor, Kali, are going down the big slide.

We went on a hayride - and just happened to get on with 5 other families from our ward.

Each kid was able to pick out a pumpkin from their pumpkin patch.

Tucker didn't want to cooperate at the end and pose on the pumpkins. Oh well, these are the cute neighbor kids we live by.

This past Saturday we drove up to Logan for the day to celebrate my brother-in-law's birthday. They live by Utah State and the roads are covered in leaves. We don't have a yard, and only 1 little tree, so Tucker and Aubrey had a blast running around on the grass and playing in the leaves.

Aubrey always wants to dance and asks me constantly "Dance with me Mom". It's really cute!

My parents came up as well. Aubrey is wrapped around my Dad's finger and he showers her with love and attention.

Cody and Dan spent the day doing just what they wanted. Watching football. It was fine with me cuz I had my Mom and sister to hangout with.

Heather bought Tucker goldfish for his birthday and he loves them.

Well, I think that's about it for now. We are happy and healthy at the moment. The kids had a 24 hour bug last week but are doing well. Cody's practice is picking up and we are actually finding ourselves with some extra money! I was accepted to do a booth/craft table for Swiss Christmas with my friends and so I've been busy making things to sell. Cole is 9 months today - still has no teeth, but is as cute as ever. He pulls himself up on everything and sometimes pulls everything down on top of him. I think he'll be an early walker like Tucker was. Life is great - enjoy fall!
The pictures of Tucker and Aubry in the leaves are really cool! I loved the leaves falling in Logan because there were always SO many.
i need a nice camera like yours...Cute pictures of your kids! Where's HeeHaw looks like fun!
nice to hear the update. you guys certainly have been busy!
I know what you mean with the blogging I have bee such a slacker lately too! Looks like your fam had a great time this last couple of weeks the pumpkin craft looked fun my girls love crafts!
It was fun to see all your pictures! We wish we could have been there this last weekend. Parker is still sick.
Cute pictures! Looks like you guys have been busy and having fun! I'm stealing that picture of the kids with the ice cream by the way :) I love that our kids have so much fun together!
Life looks busy but fun for your family. Can you tell Jenny to invite me to her blog. Thanks
You're a good mom to do cute crafts with your kids. I'm terrible at stuff like that. Oh well, maybe someday... totally fun, cute pics. Don't you just love Hee Haws?
Your kids are so cute and growing up so fast! I can't believe I still haven't been to your house. I promise to get there soon!
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