In response to the recent, unwelcome snow storms (this entire week) I decided to make an awesome tropical dinner tonight in an effort to escape the wintry weather we are having in April. I made us some brown sugar glazed, barbeque grilled salmon with a pineapple salsa on top. The side dish as you can see in the photo was rice, and the meal was oh-so delicious.
Lisa made an amazing ocean breeze cooler to top it off (I know it looks alcoholic, but trust me this one was as virgin as they come). The cooler has pineapple, bannanas, mango sorbet, ginger ale and pineapple juice.
You would never have known it was 30 degrees outside or that we had experienced 5 days straight of snowy weather, despite the astronomical coming of spring. Our little family devoured the tropical dinner, even the kids. They love salmon. When I started to grill it up on the bbq they were jumping around chanting, "fishy! fishy! our favorite!"
What weird kids we have! For dessert, we are going to have my absolute favorite, strawberry shortcake. Ummmmmm, so good! And as if things weren't great enough, Lisa had the magic touch at the Red Box tonight and was able to rent the Adam Sandler movie Bedtime Stories even though it doesn't officially come out until Tuesday. What a fantastic Friday!

Hey where was my invite? Looks really good, I never knew what gourmets you are!! Hey but wasn't Al Gore in Utah this week? What with global warming and all there is no way it could have been that cold there. Oh ya I forgot about the Al Gore Effect. Nearly every time he goes somewhere and talks about global warming it freezes and snows!
Al Gore, puh-lease. That guy is the biggest hypocrite. His entire gobal warming crusade is driven by the financial profit he gets from people investing in "carbon footprint" crap and other fear driven environmental programs. The #1 problem these global warming nut jobs overlook is the variable that could be causing the warming and cooling trends - THE SUN! You know, that big burning ball of gas in the heavens. When they all thought the world was going to melt away, it was during a period of unprecedented solar flare activity. Now that we have had tremendous cooling the last couple years, we find that the solar flare activity has ceased. So, maybe, just maybe, temperature and weather patterns have always changed and been cyclical in the history of this planet. I'm all for saving the environment, cleaning up our water ways and respecting our stewardship in taking care of mother earth, but the liberal hippies shouldn't parade around under an umbrella of lies to push their agenda. Great, now you made me rant on my soap box Russ!
Sounds delicious! You will have to post the recipe.
WOW!! I really sparked a fire there. Good job of getting that all off your chest Cody!
That is a beautiful dinner! So glad you guys were able to escape the funky spring weather!!!
I don't even like fish and that Salmon looks yummy! Lisa - give up that exact cooler recipe, it sounds SO good.
Speaking of global warming. Recently there were like 33000 scientists that sent a petition to the congress stating that it was their position that global warming was a political farse. They also pointed out, like you mentioned, that not one of the models used in measuring global temperature trends takes solar activity into account. Not a single one!!! Hippie losers.
Sounds and looks amazing! Maybe you can teach Jake to cook like that!
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