Her doctors anticipate that she will pass away anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 months from now. Most likely sooner rather than later. The good news is that she won't be in pain. Home hospice care will help her be comfortable and we will get to be with her.
Friday, February 19, 2016
Decision for Hospice Care
Her doctors anticipate that she will pass away anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 months from now. Most likely sooner rather than later. The good news is that she won't be in pain. Home hospice care will help her be comfortable and we will get to be with her.
Posted by
Cody Calderwood
1:56 PM
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Some scans of Lisa's tumor
Her IV infusions of Avastin were supposed to slow down the tumor. When we went back into her doctors in late January, the tumor had tripled in size. You can see in this scan not only how much bigger it was, but that it was starting to shift her midline and push her brain off to the side from all the growth and swelling.
After seeing this scan, her doctors informed us that the only option left was to try a new clinical trial called Rambo that combines her Avastin with radiation and an antibiotic called minocycline. Her doctors are hopeful that this regimen will slow it down. On that visit they began to ask her a series of questions to see how she was doing and we were able to discover that she was experiencing a loss of coordination and couldn't dance very well anymore. It also explained why she struggled so badly to snow ski when we went as a family. Her tumor was starting to affect her.
As she went in for her pre-radiation preparations two weeks later, she was starting to show diminished memory, cognitive function and physical abilities. They took another scan and found that the tumor had grown substantially more in the two weeks since her last visit.
The past week has been really difficult to see how quickly she has been deteriorating. I wrote this update to her doctor this morning:
Hey Sean, I thought I would give you an update on Lisa. She is noticeably getting worse each day. Her deterioration over the past week has been pretty dramatic. I am in charge of all of her medications and she is taking all of them each day. She is now to the point where she really struggles with simple physical tasks like getting dressed. I have to get her dressed each day (so when you see her if her clothes don't match, that's my fault). She really struggles with putting her contacts in, so I am just having her wear her glasses all the time now. Also, when she walks down stairs I have to hold on to her and even then she still stabilizes herself on the wall. So physically, she is getting a lot worse.
Posted by
Cody Calderwood
10:17 AM
Lisa's tumor is back
I really need to get caught up on some blog posts for Christmas and going skiing as a family, but life has become so busy lately. In mid December Lisa went in for a routine 2 month MRI scan. They found a new tumor unfortunately. This time on her left hemisphere. It was too deep in a bad spot, so surgery wasn't an option. Her doctors decided to put her on a chemotherapy regiment called Avastin. In mid January she went in again for a follow up scan to see how her tumor was responding. Unfortunately it had tripled in size.
So I wanted to start doing a series of posts about her tumor for memory's sake.
Back in December I found out that the mom of one of my best friends from high school discovered that her esophageal cancer was back and looked terminal. I wrote her some words of encouragement. I wanted to make this post about those words I sent her.
Posted by
Cody Calderwood
10:15 AM
Scary Mommy

The next morning this is what my face looked like. I was still puffy, but not nearly as ugly. By Sunday I was almost 100%. I still don't know what triggered it. I have extremely bad luck.

Posted by
10:14 AM