Every year since I was little my Mom's side of the family holds a reunion up at the Reid Ranch. Last year I was too pregnant to go (good thing too because I'm positive I would have had a baby on the dirt road!). This year Cody had to work, but I took the kids up by myself . We had a fun time visiting with family and playing in the great outdoors. This is our huge family picture we get taken every year. There are probably 10 people missing from the photo too. I love looking back seeing how the family has changed and grown.

This pics are in backwards order of when they happened, but you'll get the gist. We went paddle boating down at the lake.
Dan taught Tucker and McKenna some chant about if the pirates get you, hit the deck, steal the treasure, and get to shore. It was pretty cute to hear them sing it.
I personally have not ridden a horse at the ranch in years - maybe 12 years. They keep coming up with new rules for safety that I guess I don't want to adhere to, so I just don't go riding anymore. Everyone has to sport life jackets and helmets to ride the horses. Luckily the kids don't mind and had fun riding Lady and/or Tramp, the miniature ponies.
I snuck a quick picture of the little boys on the pony without the gear on. My brother Spencer works at the ranch and he was in charge of horses when we went up to the corral.
M:y uncle built some kind of rocket launcher that we all had fun using. We made rockets, place them on the PVC pipe, pressed the red button and they shot up into the air.
My other brother, Kevin, is a rocket scientist and so he brought along his rocket too.
The kids had fun eating sno cones and playing with their cousins.
It rained every day we were there, but we had an awesome sky our last night. The colors were amazing!
The kids and their second cousins had a dance party on the stage. They were all shaking their booties.
Tucker loved going to do archery. He's sort of strong enough to pull the bow back and he had fun trying over and over.
Cole decided throwing rocks into the water wasn't good enough. He then stood in the water, finally knelt down and eventually was lying in the water and kept putting his face in it. I'm such a great Mom that of course I let him. What's a little water going to do to a boy? He had fun until it actually starting raining and was getting him wet that way. You gotta love that cute redheaded dimpled boy!