Poor Tucker is taking after his mom with his his dental woes. He has severe crowding of his teeth (much like Lisa did when she was young). There is no room for his adult teeth to come in. I recently met with my orthodontist to consult what our options were. Here is the x-ray of his face that shows how crowded everything is.
His orthodontist and I agreed that we needed to extract 3 teeth immediately to allow some of his permanent teeth to come in. In about 6-12 months once his permanent molars are in, we will then do a platal expander and some brackets. So I brought him in to my office, numbed him up and extracted #M, N, and R. Dude was a champ. Didn't whine or cry at all. He does now have a gapped smile, but we think he's still cute.
He was so proud of his 3 teeth and was extremely excited for the tooth fairy to come. He even left the tooth fairy a note asking if he could leave the teeth behind so he could show them to his friends. This tooth fairy was more than happy to comply.
You can see that the three roots were no where near resorbed, so there was no way they were going to come out on their own.
Wow, how hard to you have to pull to get a tooth out with that much root?!?
Surprising there isn't a lot of "pulling" to get teeth out like that. It wouldn't work, and if it di you would end up breaking off a bunch of bone in order to get teeth like that out because of a ligament that surrounds the teeth. It is fairly technique sensitive. Next time we are together I will show you that technique on some of Russell's teeth.
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