Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Tracy Aviary and Friends

Awhile ago I purchased a groupon to Tracy Aviary, a local bird place. It's basically a zoo full of birds. I haven't been since I was a kid and since Tucker is still in his animal phase, we figured it would be fun. Plus it is very inexpensive when compare to the zoo. It's only $4-6 a person and I had 2 for 1's. Tucker has inherited a nice SLR camera from Cody's work and he took pictures until the battery died.
 This was Cody's favorite bird. The color was amazingly bright! It's called the Scarlet Ibis.

 My kids have trouble staying on the paths. It's much funner to chase the birds when you're in the water with them.
 I have been extremely blessed this year/summer to meet up with old friends and loved ones. None of us are happy about the excuse to get together, but it's always fun to catch up and see each other. This picture is of my clogging family. These Mom's and daughters taught me clogging for 20 years. I danced with them since I was 8 until I moved to Maryland. 2 of these girls were on America's Got Talent and 3 still clog and teach. I've traveled the world with them from Utah, Idaho, California, Mexican Baja Cruise, eastern Europe, Tennessee. I have so many special memories with these ladies.
Leann, Lindsey, me, LaChere, Cambria, my Mom, Valerie
 My first haircut - the mullet is gone! I now have an actual style that I can maintain and play around with. My hair grew in a lot on the sides since my previous hair post.

 I buy these little pills every month for a whopping $3200. Thank goodness for fundraisers, insurance and cancer foundations that help me cover the costs. So far they seem to be working, so for every $200 pill I pop, hopefully 200 cancer cells are being killed off.
 This is my friend Melissa and her newest baby. We met in Maryland when our husbands were going to school. It's fun to be able to see friends that pass through.


Marisa said...

Definitely better without the mullet :) It looks like those pictures we were looking at. That bird is crazy bright!