Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hat hanger

I'll admit it, I have a lot of shoes, and I like them. When I clean my closet out I sometimes think about getting rid of some, but they all go with particular outfits and if I get rid of a pair or two, then I'll regret it later. When we used to live in small apartments and condos, I had one of those over the door shoe holders. I've hung on to it for years and finally decided to pull it out again...but not for shoes.
 Now I am a collector of cute hats and beanies!
It's perfect! It fits all my beanies, scarfs, headbands, etc. Now I don't have to rummage through them all to find the one I want each day. Genius! (BTW, a post on our Mexico vacation should be coming soon!)


Nelson said...

Brilliant! Hats are the best. You will rock them well.