I took the camera out Sunday and snapped a few pictures of the kids. I have been really bad at taking pictures and blogging for that matter so I thought I'd document a moment in their lives. Tucker and Aubrey have been playing really well together lately. They'll build forts, color, play hide-and-seek, and not fight! Aubrey has finally mastered writing her name and Tucker is learning math at school. I had no idea they taught that in preschool. He's a smartypants as I like to tease him - he thinks that phrase is hilarious. I've got both of them signed up for gymnastics in a month and Tucker will also begin soccer. I'm looking for a dance class for Aubrey to take during the summer. Tucker is also doing awesome in piano. It amazes me what he can remember each time we practice. His favorite thing is to tell me that he's going to close his eyes and play his music. He does and no mistakes!
And then there is sweet Blake. He has gotten LOUD! Happy loud, but loud nonetheless. I'm actually sitting here typing this before everyone's awake because he decided to get up early and be loud. His hair is coming in, not that you can tell in the picture, and he'll be a little Blondie. He cut his first tooth a couple weeks ago and he's eating a ton. I'm hoping this is just a growth spurt because I feel like I am constantly buying baby food. He can sit up if you put him in the position and he's rolling around. I'm sure any day he'll begin to crawl, but I'm OK if he is a little slow with that. I'm having a hard enough time keeping the floor clean in his rolling zone, it's going to be that much harder when he can find that little toy or piece of paper in the next room.
What beutiful kids, they musy have wonderful Grand Parents.
Grandpa & Grandma Calderwood
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