Sunday, March 16, 2008


My sister, Heather, flew into town Tuesday afternoon. She lived with us our 2nd year out here, so she's seen and done all the touristy things. That has made it for a nice relaxing vacation with plenty of shopping and fun. These pictures are in reverse order with the most recent events posted first.
Tucker decided to haul his bike outside yesterday afternoon and after pushing him around the block I let him go down the hill by himself. Now he's realizing that he can pedal and so hopefully this summer he'll be cruising around by himself.

I guess Aubrey really does have my hair color. Sometimes I look at it and think it's a lot darker or the wrong shade. This picture is proving otherwise.
Cody and I took Tucker to Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey circus yesterday. We bought tickets with Tucker's best friend Sydney and her family and they loved it! Unfortunately we bought our tickets before Heather knew she was coming out here, so she didn't get to go, but she spent the morning bonding with Aubrey. : )

They had a preshow where you could go down on the floor and see the acts up close. Tucker's very favorite animal is the elephant and he loved them all!

Friday morning we drove down to Baltimore's Inner Harbor. I felt bad taking this picture, but at the same time didn't because it really shows off Baltimore. There is a big area next to this church that is full of homeless people. It is referred to as 'tent city'.
We went and ate lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and loved the great weather at the Inner Harbor on Friday.
Tucker thinks he is captain of a pirate ship. Ahoy Matey!
Heather bought him a Thomas the train bubble blowing kit. He loves it.
Our little humming bird-always flapping her arms and legs.
Last night we all went to Red Lobster to celebrate Cody's passing of the NERB's. Despite some unforseen stresses of the day, all turned out well and he did great on them.


Nate and Lori said...

It was fun to run into you at Redbox yesterday and get to meet your sister. Hope you liked the movie you picked and that Dan in Real lIfe comes back soon! Awesome pictures as always!

Alysha said...

Your little girl not only has your hair color, but is going to be just as gorgeous! The inner harbor looks amazing-it's so fun to go to such places with visitors in town. :)

Deon said...

Woo hoo! Congrats, Cody!

Carson Calderwood said...

Congrats! I'll give you a call tomorrow and see how it went.

Karen, Mackay, Easton & Kallie said...

funny that easton's best friend is named syndey too! =) Looks like you guys had tons of fun. Aubrey's hair looks perfect with her green'd have to pinch all of us today...none of us wore green...oh well!