Monday, January 14, 2008


Sorry for all the posts at once. I guess we were kind of boring last week and decided that all the exciting things happened in the past couple days. Anyway, on to the title of this post. I'm training to run a half marathon the end of March. I got rid of my elliptical with intentions of finding a treadmill on craigslist or the pennysaver. I had told myself that there is no way I would run out in the cold. Well, last week proved to be nice and I decided I would give it a try outside. I reconfirmed to myself that I love running outside. Treadmill running is boring and monotonous. I told myself that I would run in the mornings as long as the temps are above 32 F. This morning I think it was 34. As I was running along I passed 3 junior high students. After I passed them I heard them talking and the word "freak" being repeated in my direction. I didn't have to turn around to know they were talking about me. I'm going to assume I'm a "freak" because I was running in the cold. It's moments like these, that are going to make me REALLY miss good ole Baltimore!


AJ said...

Running in the cold is a challenge in its own right and makes me proud to be a runner. To me it shows that one runs for the love of running and not just because the weather is ideal.

Karen, Mackay, Easton & Kallie said...

I think you made a good rule. Last winter when i ran with my friend we liked it cause we could bundle up. Much colder than that though it wasn't very fun...i think our limit was 25 least you can take of layers in the cold can't do much in the summer =)

The Huff Family said...

So funny Lisa. As a former junior high teacher, your story gave me a good laugh. As for running outside, good for you!

Ken said...

There is something strange happening on you site... your text doesn't show up unless you select all... you might check your web settings (blog settings)... it doesn't happen on any other site but yours...

Dad (Ken)

Nate and Lori said...

Lisa- what is the name of the Half marathon that you are doing???

Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said...

I'm running the National Half Marathon on March 29th. It basically takes you all around the Smithsonians, monuments and downtown D.C.

lindsay said...

Lisa, You look amazing and your kids are so cute! I have so much respect for runners. I wish I could do it. keep it up!! thanks for giving me your blog info. it's nice to catch up with you. Are you in Maryland for a while?

Marisa said...

That run around DC sounds awesome! I was looking on this race site:

and there is a triathlon in Liberty Lake in July or in Coeur D'Alene in August (although that is a long one!) and a half-marathon in Chelan in September, we should do at least one!

Marisa said...

Just kidding, the liberty lake one has been sold out since October!